PC World Interactive 9
PC World Interactive 9 - Temmuz 1998.iso
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Perl Script
108 lines
# Random Text Version 1.0 #
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright mattw@worldwidemart.com #
# Created 7/13/96 Last Modified 7/13/96 #
# Scripts Archive at: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/ #
# Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# Random Text may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as #
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this #
# code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any liability that #
# might arise from it's use. #
# #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is #
# expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and #
# make money off of my program. #
# #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact #
# Define Variables #
# This is the file in which all of your random text phrases are stored. #
$random_file = "/path/to/random.txt";
# The delimiter specifies how each phrase is distinguished from another. For#
# instance, the common fortune file (a Unix program) is delimited by a new #
# line followed by two % signs on the next line and then a new line. This is#
# a pretty good format and you can read more about it in the README file. #
$delimiter = "\n\%\%\n";
# Done #
# Open the file containing phrases and read it in.
open(FILE,"$random_file") || &error('open->random_file',$random_file);
# Join these lines from the file into one large string.
$phrases = join('',@FILE);
# Now split the large string according to the $delimiter.
@phrases = split(/$delimiter/,$phrases);
# Invoke srand; with a seed of the time and pid. If you are on a machine
# which doesn't put the pid into $$ (ie. Macintosh, Win NT, etc...), change
# this line to: srand(time ^ 22/7);
srand(time ^ $$);
# Now pluck our random phrase out of the @phrases array! But wait! This
# only returns a number.
$phrase = rand(@phrases);
# Print out the Content-type header, so the browser knows what's going on.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Change this number into the text we want to return and print it!
print $phrases[$phrase];
# All Done!
# Was there an error? If so, let's report that sucker so it can get fixed!
sub error {
($error,$file) = @_;
print <<"END_ERROR";
Content-type: text/html
<title>ERROR: Random File Unopenable</title>
<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000>
<h1>ERROR: Random File Unopenable</h1>
The random file, as specified in the \$random_file perl variable was
if (-e $random_file) {
print "The file was found on your system, so make sure that it is\n";
print "readable by the web server. This means you will need to\n";
print "execute the following command:<pre>\n";
print " chmod 744 $random_file\n";
print "</pre>\n";
else {
print "The file was not found on your file system. This means that\n";
print "it has either not been created or the path you have specified\n";
print "in \$trrandom_file is incorrect.\n";